πŸŽ₯ On-Market Features and Best Practices

On-Market: This video training will walk you through each feature in Disclosures.io that can be best utilized during the On-Market phase of listing management.

The second stage of the real estate transaction is β€œOn-Market” or going-to-market. This is where you are likely marketing your listing more heavily in a number of different ways digitally. 

The features we have set for the On-Market phase enables real estate agents to:

  • Leverage the information you already have on a home to get potential buyers to the decision-making process, faster. 
  • Pull buyer interest reports that will tell you exactly which buyers parties (buyers agents and their clients) are the most interested in your listing. 

Watch this video to learn more about the features in Disclosures.io that can be best utilized during the On-Market phase of listing management.

Click the titles below to view the step-by-step guides to each feature covered in the video: